RE: JS Pistol O Smoke, 2007 Smoky black colt (Triple S Silver Smoke x Springlake Jacki O)
"I had about the greatest night ever with Pistol. He's sticking to me better than ever before and he offered to step up on a bridge with both back feet, which is something that he has a lot of confidence issues with), and I only used phase 1. He's just so wonderful and keeps on amazing me by getting better all the time! Thanks again for creating such a great horse." Oh, I forgot to say that all of this was at liberty. April 28, 2011
RE: JS Really Smoke N, 2007 Bay Colt (Triple S Silver Smoke x Eldar's Really Elegant)
Oh boy, the director of Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center is coming down today to meet Copper. She's heard so much about him that she wants to meet him in person. Hope he behaves himself. We are planning on our first show being June 16th. Wish us luck!--April 15, 2011